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Unit 12 More Initial-Letter Contractions: Dots 4-5 Indicator

These 5 contractions are made up of two consecutive braille cells. The first indicator cell is made up of dots 4 and 5. The second cell uses the first letter or letters of the word it represents.

upon ⠘⠥ (dots 4-5) u
word ⠘⠺ (dots 4-5) w
these ⠘⠮ (dots 4-5) the
those ⠘⠹ (dots 4-5) th
whose ⠘⠱ (dots 4-5) wh


Whose shoes are these ?
⠘⠱ ⠩⠕⠑⠎ ⠜⠑ ⠘⠮

I can't spell those words .
⠠⠊ ⠉⠄⠞ ⠎⠏⠑⠇⠇ ⠘⠹ ⠘⠺
Once upon a time
⠠⠕⠝⠉⠑ ⠘⠥ ⠐⠞ ⠲⠲⠲

More Examples:

Whose dog is on my porch?


Those words are hard to say.


Will someone set these books upon that table?


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