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Writing Workout #6 (Units 10-11)

To complete this writing passage, use 6-key entry by clicking on the feature in the menu. Braille the following passage, including the title. After brailling the title, press enter and then begin brailling the passage. If you are using a braille display, be sure to set your device to uncontracted braille.

Word Count: 101

ATOS Level:



You are all welcome at our annual get together. Each person should bring a gift of his/her choice to donate to the cause. I, myself, will host the party. It will start at about 3:00 on the afternoon of Dec. 24th (RSVP by 12-1-2020). As you arrive, you may help yourselves to some hot apple cider and cookies. We will have games for the young ones. Don’t forget to bring your favorite holiday CD. Some of you already know the way. If you have a question or need a map, shoot me a quick note. See you soon.


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