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Unit 12 More Initial Letter Contractions Practice

Question 1 (10 points)

Transcribe this braille sentence into print.

Question 2 (10 points)

Is this sentence brailled correctly for:

These are world famous hamburgers.


Question 3 (10 points)

How would you braille the following sentence?

Those kids have spirit!

Question 4 (10 points)

Match the braille contraction to the printed word.

1. ⠘⠥ a. these
2. ⠘⠮ b. upon
3. ⠘⠹ c. word
4. ⠘⠱ d. whose
5. ⠘⠺ e. those

Question 5 (10 points)

Match the braille contraction to the printed word.

1. ⠸⠉ a. world
2. ⠸⠓ b. had
3. ⠸⠍ c. their
4. ⠸⠎ d. cannot
5. ⠸⠺ e. spirit
6. ⠸⠮ f. many

Question 6 (10 points)

Transcribe this braille sentence into print.

Question 7 (10 points)

How would you braille the following sentence?

Their spirited child drove them wild.

Question 8 (10 points)

Which sentence is brailled correctly for:

So many people cannot yodel.

Question 9 (10 points)

Is this sentence brailled correctly for:

I have had too many tacos!


Question 10 (10 points)

How would you braille the following sentence?

We cannot all talk at the same time!

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