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Unit 7 Reading Workout ATOS 6.8

Reading Workouts are designed to develop reading fluency (speed and accuracy). Read the braille passage shown below. When you begin reading the passage, click on the "start" button. When you end reading, click on the "stop" button. A Reading Workout Answer Sheet and embossable braille file are also available below. Good Luck!

Word Count: 100


-- Words per Minute
-- Correct Word per Minute
Accuracy: --%

Prehistory is the period of human life prior to writing. Although it seems like humans have always lived on this planet, the span is quite short compared to the age of the earth. Uncovered rocks might date back to almost 4 billion years. Fossils show us the first living things on earth. Our planet formed and afterward, more types of animals appeared. The next era gave rise to great shelled animals together with amphibians. Still other periods passed until humans arrived. We are called bipedal primates, or "they walk on two legs," which allowed us the use of our hands.

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