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Unit 17 Reading Workout ATOS 6.5

Reading Workouts are designed to develop reading fluency (speed and accuracy). Read the braille passage shown below. When you begin reading the passage, click on the "start" button. When you end reading, click on the "stop" button. A Reading Workout Answer Sheet and embossable braille file are also available below. Good Luck!

Word Count: 100


-- Words per Minute
-- Correct Word per Minute
Accuracy: --%

What is an invention? It starts with a need. Perhaps people need a better or faster way of doing something. Before long, someone conceives an idea and makes it happen. For instance, before the invention of the thermometer, brewers had to check the temperature of their mash by sticking their thumb into the vat. They had to be careful to get it just right before adding the yeast. If the mixture wasn’t the right temperature, the yeast would not ferment, and the batch would be useless. This is why people still use the expression "rule of thumb" to this day.

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