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Unit 14 Reading Workout ATOS 5.2

Reading Workouts are designed to develop reading fluency (speed and accuracy). Read the braille passage shown below. When you begin reading the passage, click on the "start" button. When you end reading, click on the "stop" button. A Reading Workout Answer Sheet and embossable braille file are also available below. Good Luck!

Word Count: 100


-- Words per Minute
-- Correct Word per Minute
Accuracy: --%

Have you ever wondered what clouds are made of, or where they come from? Clouds are just water. The sun pulls together little water droplets in the sky, and if enough droplets gather, they form a cloud. Luke Howard was a cloud expert and his system of naming clouds still exists today. Thick clouds can be called cumulus, wispy ones are called cirrus, and fog is just an area of low-lying clouds. On a breezy day, clouds can travel quite fast. Have you looked up today? Were there clouds? Watch out, because if the droplets fall, you can get wet.

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