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Unit 11 Shortform Words (Reflexive Pronouns)

Shortform words do not require any special braille symbol. They are simply shortened forms of common words. They follow the same guidelines as the previously taught shortform words.


Self/Selves (Reflexive) Shortform Words

This group of shortform words add the letter "f" to represent "self" or the letters "vs" to represent "selves" to the end of a pronoun to make it reflexive.

Word Short Form Braille Word Short Form Braille
itself xf ⠭⠋ yourselves yrvs ⠽⠗⠧⠎
himself hmf ⠓⠍⠋ ourselves (ou)rvs ⠳⠗⠧⠎
yourself yrf ⠽⠗⠋ themselves (the)mvs ⠮⠍⠧⠎
herself h(er)f ⠓⠻⠋
myself myf ⠍⠽⠋
oneself (one)f ⠐⠕⠋
thyself (th)yf ⠹⠽⠋


Love thyself.


The child colored by himself.


You can do it by yourself.


Birthdays are a time for spoiling oneself.


The toy ran by itself.


We built this company by ourselves.


They acted without questioning themselves.


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