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Unit 11 Shortform Words Practice

Question 1 (10 points)

Which sentence is brailled correctly for:

Mother drove herself wild with worry.

Question 2 (10 points)

Is this sentence brailled correctly for:

She only thought about herself.


Question 3 (10 points)

Transcribe the following braille sentence into print.

Question 4 (10 points)

Transcribe the following braille sentence into print.

Question 5 (10 points)

Which sentence is brailled correctly for:

He hurt himself with the hammer.

Question 6 (10 points)

Is this sentence brailled correctly for:

The cat is licking itself.


Question 7 (10 points)

Which sentence is brailled correctly for:

We made it ourselves.

Question 8 (10 points)

Transcribe the following braille sentence into print.

Question 9 (10 points)

Transcribe the following braille sentence into print.

Question 10 (10 points)

Which sentence is brailled correctly for:

Watch yourself or you may fall.

Question 11 (10 points)

Transcribe the following braille sentence into print.

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