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Unit 8 Modes: Numeric Mode

We learned in Unit 1 that a number is made by placing the numeric indicator before letters a-j. We can say that the numeric indicator sets whatever follows into numeric mode until the effect of the number mode is broken.

Numeric mode ends when it encounters a space, a letter (other than the 10 digits), sign of punctuation (except comma, period or decimal, or a simple fraction line) or a dot 5 when used as a continuation indicator or numeric space indicator.

Again, the following symbols do NOT terminate numeric mode and are used to write larger and smaller numbers, and simple non-mathematical fractions.

Numeric Digits (0-9) ⠼⠚⠤⠼⠊
Period or Decimal
Simple Fraction Line
Continuation Indicator or Numeric Space Indicator

Larger numbers



Smaller numbers



Simple Fraction

1¼ cup sugar


1 2 sandwich and a cup of soup


The numeric indicator also turns on grade 1 mode. This means that when letters appear in the sequence of numbers following the numeric indicator they are read only as the alphabetic letter they represent.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th


Continuation indicator (dot 5)

This indicator is used when there is not enough room on the page for a long running number. It tells us that the number is continued on the next line. Otherwise the new line would require a numeric indicator and the long number would be read as two separate numbers.


The first 50 digits of pi are: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795(insert continuation indicator here)0288419716939937510582097494…




Numeric Space Indicator (dot 5)

When a number is written with spaces between the numbers instead of commas, we insert a numeric space indicator between the numbers. Otherwise the number would require a numeric indicator after each space and the number would be read as smaller separate numbers.


My number is 432 567 4000


SS 009 88 0000


NOTE: Otherwise these numbers would look like three separate numbers.

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