Unit 6 Shortform Words (First Letter/Last Letter)
Shortform words do not require any special braille symbol. They are simply shortened forms of common words.
Shortform words can be used as both whole-word and part-words.
Part-word usage is permitted for both compound and divided words.
They can also be used as whole proper names and as parts of proper names.
Avoid using a shortform word if it would cause confusion in pronunciation.
First Letter/Last Letter Shortform Words
This group of shortform words uses the first and last letter or symbol of the word it represents.
Word | Short Form | Braille | Word | Short Form | Braille |
children | (ch)n | ⠡⠝ | could | cd | ⠉⠙ |
first | f(st) | ⠋⠌ | would | wd | ⠺⠙ |
good | gd | ⠛⠙ | should | (sh)d | ⠩⠙ |
letter | lr | ⠇⠗ | its | xs | ⠭⠎ |
must | m(st) | ⠍⠌ | your | yr | ⠽⠗ |
quick | qk | ⠟⠅ | him | hm | ⠓⠍ |
paid | pd | ⠏⠙ | much | m(ch) | ⠍⠡ |
said | sd | ⠎⠙ | such | s(ch) | ⠎⠡ |
These examples show shortform words used as whole words.
I would have if I could have.
I wd h if I cd h.
The puppy wags its tail so much.
The puppy wags xs tail so m(ch).
The children threw such a fuss.
The (ch)n threw s(ch) a fuss.
These examples show shortform words used as part of a word.
Mom said we should run quickly home.
Mom sd we shd run qkly home.
The first grade children wrote letters to him.
The fst grade chn wrote lrs to hm.
This example shows the shortform word used as part of a compound word.
Mr. Goodman paid your bill.
Mr. Gdman pd yr bill.
This example shows the shortform word used as proper noun.
Ms. Quick said hello.
Ms. Qk sd hello.