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Unit 17 Final-Letter Groupsigns: Dots 5-6 Indicator

Final-letter groupsigns are made up of two consecutive braille cells. The first is an indicator cell that is made up of either dots 4-6, or dots 5-6. The second cell uses the last letter of the word it represents.


General Preference Rule:

When there is more than one way to form a contraction, preference is given to the contraction that saves the most space.

Dot 5-6 Final-Letter Groupsigns

ence ⠰⠑ (dots 5-6) e
ong ⠰⠛ (dots 5-6) g
ful ⠰⠇ (dots 5-6) l
tion ⠰⠝ (dots 5-6) n
ness ⠰⠎ (dots 5-6) s
ment ⠰⠞ (dots 5-6) t
ity ⠰⠽ (dots 5-6) y


A long fence encloses the city.


There was excitement and expectation.


She was fill of gratefulness.


Word Examples:

hence sentence silence absence science
⠓⠰⠑ ⠎⠢⠞⠰⠑ ⠎⠊⠇⠰⠑ ⠁⠃⠎⠰⠑ ⠎⠉⠊⠰⠑
among songs strong wrong longer
⠁⠍⠰⠛ ⠎⠰⠛⠎ ⠌⠗⠰⠛ ⠺⠗⠰⠛ ⠇⠰⠛⠻
useful awfully harmful carefully wasteful
⠥⠎⠑⠰⠇ ⠁⠺⠰⠇⠇⠽ ⠓⠜⠍⠰⠇ ⠉⠜⠑⠰⠇⠇⠽ ⠺⠁⠌⠑⠰⠇
action motion optional fraction nation
⠁⠉⠰⠝ ⠍⠕⠰⠝ ⠕⠏⠰⠝⠁⠇ ⠋⠗⠁⠉⠰⠝ ⠝⠁⠰⠝
kindness fitness oneness sadness illnesses
⠅⠔⠙⠰⠎ ⠋⠊⠞⠰⠎ ⠐⠕⠰⠎ ⠎⠁⠙⠰⠎ ⠊⠇⠇⠰⠎⠑⠎
moment cement torments garments commenting
⠍⠕⠰⠞ ⠉⠑⠰⠞ ⠞⠕⠗⠰⠞⠎ ⠛⠜⠰⠞⠎ ⠉⠕⠍⠰⠞⠬
unity pity cavity reality nationality
⠥⠝⠰⠽ ⠏⠰⠽ ⠉⠁⠧⠰⠽ ⠗⠂⠇⠰⠽ ⠝⠁⠰⠝⠁⠇⠰⠽

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