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Unit 15 Shortform Words (Add G)

Shortform words do not require any special braille symbol. They are simply shortened forms of common words. They follow the same guidelines as the previously taught shortform words.


Add G Shortform Words

The following group of shortform words is made plural by adding the letter "g" to the end. Also note that they all end in "e" and therefore only need a letter "d" to make the past tense.

Word Shortform Braille Word Shortform Braille
declare dcl ⠙⠉⠇ declaring dclg ⠙⠉⠇⠛
rejoice rjc ⠗⠚⠉ rejoicing rjcg ⠗⠚⠉⠛
conceive (con)cv ⠒⠉⠧ conceiving (con)cvg ⠒⠉⠧⠛
deceive dcv ⠙⠉⠧ deceiving dcvg ⠙⠉⠧⠛
perceive p(er)cv ⠏⠻⠉⠧ perceiving p(er)cvg ⠏⠻⠉⠧⠛
receive rcv ⠗⠉⠧ receiving rcvg ⠗⠉⠧⠛


I declare I am innocent!


The tourist declared the items at customs.


We all began rejoicing when the rain ceased.


There was much to rejoice about after the game.


To deceive is to lie.


The scam was deceiving.


He conceived the melody on the spot.


I am conceiving a plan.


People perceive things differently.


Am I perceiving this correctly?


Did I receive a package?


The students will be receiving awards tomorrow.


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