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Unit 10 Grouping Signs

Grouping signs appear as they do in print, unspaced from the content they enclose; they only appear in pairs.

Grouping signs are 2-cell symbols. The first cell is a prefix (combination of dots 4-5-6) and denotes which type of grouping symbol will be used (parenthesis, square bracket, curly bracket, or angle bracket).


Parenthesis Square bracket Curly bracket Angle bracket

The second cell is the generic grouping symbol for left (opening) and right (closing).

Grouping Signs:

Left or Open Right or Close

When they are combined, they indicate which grouping symbol is being used.

Left or open Right or close
Parentheses ( ) ⠐⠣ ⠐⠜
Square bracket [ ] ⠨⠣ ⠨⠜
Curly bracket { } ⠸⠣ ⠸⠜
Angle bracket ‹ › ⠈⠣ ⠈⠜

NOTE: The angle bracket uses the same 2-cell symbol as less than and greater than. Angle brackets are only used in pairs, at the beginning and the end. Less than/greater than are signs of comparison and will only appear between the terms it is comparing.




I want five (5) oranges.


Jojo (Amy's boyfriend) sang bass.


buenos dias [good day]


Hapy [sic] birthday!


These grouping signs are used in mathematics or lists of choices.

Number set: {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}


Choose a side {onion rings, fries, coleslaw, salad} and order.



These grouping signs are used mostly in computer code or to denote expression in text.



<[email protected]>


NOTE: Contractions may be used in email addresses but short form words are generally not used. The @ symbol will be taught in a later lesson.

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