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The Maze ATOS 3.5

Word Count: 178





















-- Words per Minute
-- Correct Word per Minute
Accuracy: --%

The Maze

Tori and Brian were going to Big Carrot Corn Maze. It was the biggest maze in the county. Tori had never been before. Brian had been with Scouts. Brian told his sister that the maze was bigger than their town. Brian told her that someone went in the maze and never came out!

As the car pulled into the lot, Tori was feeling nervous. What if she couldn't find her way out? Mom told Brian to stay close to Tori but he ran off. Tori was going to turn around. Then, she heard lots of other people. There was a traffic-jam in the maze. She followed the sounds through the maze. There were people working in the maze too. They gave out directions. They gave out candy if you knew the answer to their question. Tori knew that corn was also called maize. She won a chocolate bar. Tori made it out of the maze. It was so much fun she wanted to go again. Brian wanted to go back so that he could win candy.

Question 1 (10 points)


Question 2 (10 points)


Question 3 (10 points)


Question 4 (10 points)


Question 5 (10 points)
